Friday, January 06, 2006

Sweet Sister Sherry

Shooting a portrait that actually speaks of the persons state of mind and is just not a posed pretty pictured set against a bland background is one of my favorite challanges. Being able to capture someones emotion and personality in a single frame and have them say thinkgs like this : "I LOVE's the way I feel sometimes.....and to have that actually captured in a visiual is unreal. Thank you!!"
makes it all worthwhile for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yaay for momma!

she looks like stevie nicks in the first one.

how incredible are these images?

and it looks like so much fun!

Fri Jan 06, 07:49:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No words that I can find truly say beautiful I think this woman is...these pictures capture the Sherry that I see...wet and dirty...

Stevie Nicks...guess that's better than Kevin Spacey...

Sat Jan 07, 01:57:00 PM 2006  

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