Monday, January 09, 2006

Pretty girl and pretty boy.....

I am always amazed at how hot a man the most beatific Splendora is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goddamn him? That bald muther trucker looks good REGARDLESS?? no?

Mon Jan 09, 02:03:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that first picture is stunning and the third one is also rather fantastic and alluring

but the real question is - is that a mass produced super cool tiny rubber chicken bracelet, or a one of a kind creation?

Mon Jan 09, 02:50:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it's fucking awesome

Mon Jan 09, 04:53:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel like i just went on a long journey. thanks for taking me with, yeah?

Mon Jan 09, 08:10:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Xilia Faye said...

Errrmmmmm. I gave on of the rubber chickens from the bracelet to Phil :P

Tue Jan 10, 09:27:00 AM 2006  

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